Friday, July 16, 2010

Goodbye clutter, HELLO functional!

This post is to celebrate less!  Less stuff that is.  Background, please! I really have a big house with lots of little rooms that is filled with lots of littles and according to my friend and lots of furniture.  So I have in my house a couch and a futon, because my darling husband won’t let me get rid of the futon, in case, we have company.  Well, I agree with said friend, too much stuff is really hard to live with.  So I am slowly replacing things.  Like remember the once loved ashtray chair that was in hopes to replace, but couldn’t due to obnoxious smell.

Well, I am saying good bye to these two items.


I am picking up this tomorrow:

image 1843035608-0

because it does this:

image 1843035608-2

(side note: new sofa is 4 inches shorter than the old one because of the lack of huge arms)

And the most awesome thing about it, is I am using this to help pay for it!


Do not stress, I have already purchased its replacement a couple weeks ago for $20 at Goodwill, right here.

   DSC06636 Look familiar, yep, a pretty version of the ashtray and probably more comfortable since I don’t have to hold my breath.

Confetti going everywhere!


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