Saturday, July 24, 2010

MFW –week2 Moon

we have finished the second week of homes-cool!  I love this curriculum! I have just as much joy doing the work as they do, so yes I sometimes photo copy a worksheet, so that I can color with them.  I am mostly amazed at how much they are retaining, even my 4 year old son.  So here is what we did!

Biblically: We will reflect Jesus’s light, like the moon does the sun.

we studied the different shapes.


We measured the distance of the Earth from the Sun.  You can barely see the chalked sun behind #1, I thought the chalk would have shown up, but it was a hard see.  #1 is holding a black piece of paper with a green dot for Earth (left side) and a white dot for the moon (right side).  As the “adult” I was shocked to see the actual size difference close up, talk about feeling finite, especially when you consider yourself the moon and Jesus the Sun.  I am tiny and insignificant, but like the moon, I can bring significant brightness to the world if I let my light shine!  WOW!  Who is getting the bible concepts here, them or me?  Well this might be a great curriculum for the whole family.


we also got perspective on how far away we are from the sun and 4 kids and 461 feet later.  I had had enough perspective.  So we joyfully ate Moon Pies on our neighbors front porch. (Just helping the Mmmmmmm sound out.)


     Now what really showed me the power of reading aloud was when the kids and I talked about making a spaceship the next day.  Well my son was elated about this and talked all about how we needed space suits that the astronauts wear because he was going on the moon and there is no air up there.  Wow.  I think he was somewhere between the ceiling fan and the wall bouncing when I was doing the reading out loud.  That cardboard box is still giving them hours of entertainment.  They have brought me moon rocks back from their adventures.


These are the books we checked out.


The first set is the non-fiction books and the second is our story books for Friday.  I am including a dvd for each theme.  It takes a bit of searching but it is well worth it.  I figure it is another way to reinforce of content and give me a chance to nurse the baby and still be schooling.  I also check out different dvds for sign language or Spanish.  I check out phonics prepping movies.  I know there are moms out there that might gasp at the thought that the tv came on during a school day, but with the littles all being so little and the littlest being really little, I need the help that I get from the tv and I feel as though it is good use of it.


Printables I considered

Now I started a little bit of tot school.  I got the ideas from 1 +1 +1!  I was shocked at how well it worked.  I started with just motor skills on using tongs and moving tiny pom poms into an ice tray.  Then later in the week we did matching the pom poms.  Even the other kids wanted to play with the tray.  The pom poms and the ice tray came from the Dollar Tree.  The rest I had.


I can’t wait to do the exciting things for this next week.  I am loving the homes-cooling gig!


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